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Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility - Cookbook and Recipes Guide Tree of Tranquility Cookbook Guide By Aloysius Villiers Email: villiersaloys@aol.com Created on 7 May 2010 As of 7 May, all Cutting Board, Pot and Rainbow Recipes are included in this Guide. Introduction Cooking may appear to be a fun hobby in any Harvest Moon game but it is far more vital than that. Cooked items can have a profound effect on two important aspects of life: friendship and energy levels. A cooked item when consumed always gives far more energy than raw ingredients. As gifts, cooked items often are the 'Most Favorite Gift' for characters, including those eligible for marriage.
Actually, recipes in this game play a vital role in terms of advancing the plot. Fl download free movie trailers ftp. The 'Rainbow Recipes' are the key to unlocking new areas on the map and making it possible for your character ultimately to discover the whereabouts of the seedling that will become the new Tree of Tranquility. In Tree of Tranquility, cooking requires Recipes as well as the proper equipment and ingredients.
For Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility on the Wii, GameFAQs has 12 FAQs (game guides and walkthroughs), 3 cheat codes and secrets, 10 reviews, 13 critic reviews, 4.
There are a few methods by which Recipes can be obtained, two of which are guaranteed. Watching the 'Rainbow Cooking' show on television; Visiting the kitchens of three renowned cooks on the island, Mira, Yolanda and Chase; Purchasing or acquiring a Cooked Item; Trial and error; Talking to individuals. Your Kitchen Counter Even your initial Level 1 House will contain a Kitchen but you will be able to cook anything. The Level of the House will be reflected in the amount of space for Cooking Utensils on the Counter of the Kitchen. A basic Level 1 House has space only for two Cooking Utensils. A Level 2 House has space for three.
This does not mean that you are restricted in your cooking ventures to the number of Utensils that fit on your Counter. You can keep others in storage and simply switch them through the Furniture Placement Menu on your bedside table. The ultimate upgrade for your home is a Level 5 House. When the upgrade is completed, it will be described as a 'perfect' house. The primary reason for upgrading to Level 5 in fact is to be able to keep a complete set of Cooking Utensils on your counter in the kitchen.
Although both Level 4 and Level 5 Houses have two floors, only the Level 5 house has space for all 6 Cooking Utensils on the Counter in the Kitchen. A Box of Matches Your 7th Cooking Utensil is a Box of Matches, which can be used to light a fire on any beach. You will find a stack of wood in a bonfire formation on the beach. Stand next to it and press the 'A' Button to light the fire.
You then can equip any fish or appropriate vegetable and press 'A' again to cook it over the open fire. Using your Kitchen Whenever you wish to cook, go to the Kitchen and press 'A' in front of the appropriate cooking implement. You must have all necessary ingredients in your rucksack in this game, unlike most other Harvest Moon games, where you will have access to any ingredients that are in your rucksack or your refrigerator. Make certain that you collect all necessary ingredients, therefore, before you go to the Kitchen counter. Remember always that you need to have all ingredients in your Rucksack if you wish to make a dish in the kitchen. There is no link between the Kitchen and your Refrigerator but you need not hold the ingredient in your hands.
When you press A in front of any Cooking Utensil, a Menu will open that displays five Cooking Slots. Your rucksack will be displayed above that in a wheel formation. Simply rotate the wheel to access any item and then transfer the selected item to a Cooking Slot. Without any Cooking Utensils, you will not be able to use your Kitchen.
All Cooking Utensils can be purchased from Simon at the General Store. Once you have a Cooking Tool, use the Furniture placement option at the table next to your bed to place the Cooking Utensil on the counter.
Remember that you must stand BEHIND the Kitchen Counter in order to cook. Unlike any other item of Furniture that must be rotated manually, Cooking Utensils will be rotated automatically so they will face you when you stand behind the Counter. Whenever you wish to cook, press the 'A' button when standing in front of any Cooking Utensil. You should see a prompt to 'Check' the Utensil. The Menu for that Utensil then will appear.
For example, if you are standing in front of the Pot when you press the 'A' button, you will see a Cooking Menu with the icon of the Pot at the left and 5 Cooking Slots next to that. Below the Cooking Slots will be four option buttons: Start Quit Recipe Reset Above the Cooking Menu, you will see a Wheel Menu for your Rucksack. Any items that can be used in Cooking will be available for transfer to a Cooking Slot.
If there are no ingredients in your Rucksack, you will be unable to cook. Use the Nunchuk Control Stick to cycle through the items in your rucksack. When an ingredient is selected, use the 'A' button to move it from the slot in the Rucksack to a Cooking Slot. You have a total of five Cooking Slots. You can cook with only a single ingredient or you can fill all five slots. If a recipe calls for an ingredient, using more than one may or may not improve the quality of the dish.
When you have selected all the necessary or desired ingredients, use the Nunchuk Control Stick to move the cursor down to the Cooking Option buttons. By default, it will go to the Start Button first. If you are not happy with your selections, you can use the Nunchuk Control Stick to move right to one of the other options. If you press 'Start', Cooking will commence. If you press 'Quit', you will leave the Cooking Menu entirely. If you press 'Recipe', you will see the result of your selections if you choose to commence cooking.
If a successful Recipe using the selected ingredients and utensil has been added to your Cookbook, that recipe will be displayed. If you never used these ingredients before with this utensil and the result will be unsuccessful, a 'Failed Recipe' or 'Weird Dish' will be displayed.
This is a warning that will prevent you from wasting good ingredients. If you have placed more than one Cooking Implement on your counter, it is very easy to stand in front of the wrong one. Make certain that you pay attention to the icon that is displayed in the Cooking Menu.
Cooking a tomato in a Mixer will result in a glass of Tomato Juice but if you attempt to cook the same tomato in your Pot, you will have nothing but a Failed Dish to show for your efforts. Always take your time when performing any actions.
Easy Dishes for a Beginner At the beginning of the game, you will have a Level 1 basic House, which means that it will include a Kitchen with two spaces for Cooking Utensils on the counter. You can buy more than two Utensils and simply switch them from storage when needed, but it really is best to use your money to upgrade the House instead.

You therefore need to choose which Cooking Utensils you wish to purchase first. Your decision should be based on the ingredients that are at your disposal early in the game and the Recipes that can be made with them. Your Stamina at the start of the game is 500 Points. Each Power Berry raises the total by 100 Points. As there are five Power Berries, you can obtain a maximum total of 1000 Stamina Points. The recipes that follow are most helpful to your character before any Power Berries have been obtained when your total Stamina is 500 Points. Herb Tea Herb Tea: 1 Herb in a Pot Herb Tea is one of the easiest Recipes to complete and one that offers good energy recovery at the start of the game.
Herbs of every colours are found randomly in the wilds. The areas that are accessible at the start of the game where you may find herbs are the Praline Forest and the stretch of grass across the road from Yolanda's house. It is possible to find all colours of Wild Grass in the Praline Forest. Green Herb sometimes is found across from Yolanda's house. When you unlock the Brownie Ranch area, you will be able to find all colours of Herbs in the meadows there. Note how much more effective a Cooked Dish is than the Raw Ingredients used to create it. All Herbs apart from Blue Herb have an SR value of 20.
Blue Herb is worth 30 SR. If you place any of these Herbs in a Pot, they attain an SR value of 80 as Herbal Tea.
Furthermore, you can purchase Herb Seeds at the Flower Festival in early Spring. Those herbs that can be grown in Spring can be planted immediately. After Taylor arrives at Waffle Island, he will sell Herb Seeds by telephone. As previously stated, Herbal Tea is worth 80 SR or Stamina Recovery. At the start of the game when your total Stamina is 500 Points, 80 SR is rather significant. In fact, it is one of the items sold at the Meringue Clinic as a Medicine. Later in the game, when you have obtained Power Berries, 80 SR will not be as significant.
Potato Stew Potato Stew: 1 Potato of any Rank in a Pot Potato Stew is cheap to make. Potato Seeds are the very first seeds you will have and they grow quickly. Any grade can be used to create this simple dish.
It will restore 100 Stamina. You actually can buy Potatoes at the Souffle Farm as well but you will find that it is more cost effective to grow your own. Miso Soup Miso Soup: 1 piece of Laver Seaweed in a Pot Laver Seaweed can be found on the Beaches of Waffle Island. You need only a single piece to make Miso Soup.
With 100 SR or Stamina Recovery value, it is slightly more effective than Herbal Tea. Walk along the beaches on a regular basis to find seaweed and clams, as well as the occasional seashell and pearl. Berry Juice Berry Juice: 1 Very Berry in a Mixer Very Berry is one of the items that you can find in the wilds.
At the start of the game, you will have access only to the Praline Forest region but it will be available there on a random basis. Berry Juice restores 80 SR, giving it the same Recovery value as Herbal Tea. Blueberry Juice Blueberry Juice: 1 Blueberry in a Mixer Blueberries are another item that can be found at random in the wilds.

You will find them at the start of the game in Praline Forest. If you buy a Box of Matches, you can make the following: Grilled Fish or Grilled Vegetables Almost every type of fish can be grilled on a bonfire. You can obtain a Used Fishing Rod from Toby as soon as your house is completed if you simply go to the Beach to meet him. Fish can be found in the ocean, in the Lake or in the River and grilled fish will restore your energy to some extent. There is only one disadvantage to this: fishing requires a lot of energy, especially when you first begin your life on the Island. You can use almost half your total energy reeling in one fish or piece of rubbish.
Even when you have increased your total energy by obtaining Power Berries, you can expend almost all of it reeling in a large and dangerous fish like a Shark. The exceptions to this are Clams and Sea Urchins, food items that can be found on the beach. You can gather Clams without expending any energy and they can be grilled. Certain vegetables can be grilled on a bonfire, namely Yams, Eggplant, Corn and Chestnuts. No energy is expended in the actual grilling process. You will find the SR or Stamina Recovery Value for every Grilled Dish in the Cookbook Bonfire Recipes section of this Guide.
Even so, although the Matches are the least expensive Cooking Utensil and can be used at any Beach to light a Bonfire there,you can use them only in fine weather. It therefore may more practical to rely on a Pot or a Mixer early in the game.
Complete Cookbook The following Recipes include the list of ingredients necessary to create the Cooked Dish successfully, shipping values, cost if available for purchase at any restaurant or Festival Stall and Recovery value in terms of Energy. Recovery value is given as SR or Stamina Recovery. In some cases, a Cooked Dish operates on Fatigue rather than Stamina. This is true mainly with respect to Medicines like Cold Medicine and Stay Awake. You will see a low SR value here, but using one of these is effective in curing the condition. Note that in cases where different qualities of the same Recipe can be created, all four grades are given with their respective values. It is only with respect to Fish that different grades of a Recipe can be made.
Using Good Business Sense in Cooking The Grade of Crop used in a Cooked Dish will not change its shipping value or Energy Recovery Value. It therefore is more practical to ship higher grades of Crops and use lower grades in cooking. The same rule applies to inedible Ranch Products such as Wool Yarn, Thread and Flax Yarn. When you dye any type of Yarn or Thread, it loses its special grade. In other words, 'Decent' Yarn and 'Shining Yarn' when dyed both become simply Coloured Yarn. Where edible Ranch Products are concerned, the only item that loses its special Grade when processed is an Egg of any type.
Milk when processed into Cheese or Butter retains its specific grade. The first Recipe in each category is an unsuccessful one. If you use an Aging Pot or Frying Pan, it will be named 'Weird Dish' but if you use another Utensil, it will be a 'Failed Dish'.
Grading Cooked Dishes When Fish are an ingredient in a Recipe, it may be possible to create four different Grades of Cooked Dish. The number of fish used as well as the variety can determine the final Quality of a Fish Dish. Where this is the case, the Dishes have been listed as four separate dishes as each has a different value both in terms of shipping and in terms of Stamina Recovery.When any Recipe specifies only Fish or Herb as an ingredient, you can use any type of Fish and any type of Herb. Where Any Crustacean is listed as an ingredient, you can use Freshwater Prawn, Crawfish, Lobster or Rock Lobster to complete the Recipe. Note that, when collecting the ingredients for a Rainbow Recipe, the Grade or Rank of your Cooked Dish may be significant. The general Rule in ToT where any Grade Requirement is concerned is that any Grade equal to or higher than the Required Grade will meet the Requirement.
Failed and Weird Dishes An unsuccessful dish can be shipped for 10G but you should not eat it as it actually will bring down your Stamina level! Depending on the implement used to create it, the amount by which your Stamina decreases can be 50 to 70 points. Using this Cookbook Where 'Fish' is an ingredient, you can use any Fish. Where 'Vegetable' is listed as an ingredient, use any Vegetable and where 'Herb' is listed, any colour or type of Herb can be used.
Some Recipes call for 'any Crustacean'. The ingredient then that is needed is Shrimp or Lobster or any other Crustacean. SR refers to Stamina Recovery and is the amount of Energy restored when the Cooked Dish is consumed.
When a Cooked Dish is marked with an asterisk, it signifies that the Dish is an ingredient in a Rainbow Recipe. Where Recipes have different Grades, the Dish that you will create depends on the total value of the Ingredients used. More Ingredients of lower value therefore sometimes can create the same superior dish that would be made using fewer Ingredients with higher values.
Tree Of Tranquility Marriage
Tip: You can buy Decent Rice at the Souffle Farm in Autumn or you can grow it in your field. Rice on a Cutting Board makes Rice Ball, a simple cooked dish that restores 180 points in terms of Stamina Recovery.